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The Laserdisc FAQ

by Henrik "Leopold" Herranen

IV) Resources

Reprinted by Permission of Author (thanks Leopold!)

Please visit Leopold's homepage at

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This page is maintained by Henrik 'Leopold' Herranen.

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17.1 What are some places to mailorder laserdiscs from?

Please help me update these!

  • New discs

    • A20 Laser Video Entertainment (95-xx-xx)
      700 Sleater-Kinney Road SE
      Suite B-286
      Lacey, WA 98503
      (800) 251-0150
      Prices: At Least 15% Off Retail
      Shipping: $1.50 Handling Charge
      Catalog: None, but small brochures with recent releases and prices mailed monthly

    • Digital Hollywood Entertainment (95-xx-xx)
      6849 Via Sola Circle
      Buena Park, CA 90620
      (800) 994-DISC
      Prices: 15% Off All Titles
      Shipping: Free For Shipments of 3 or more discs
      Catalog: Free
      Etc: Running 20% off everything sale thru March

    • Starship Audio-Industries (95-xx-xx)
      605 Utterback Store Road
      Great Falls, Virginia 22066
      (703) 430-8692
      Prices: 10% Off list
      Shipping: UPS Ground; $3.00
      Catalog: Free
      Etc.: International Orders Shipped by PO, UPS Air, or DHL Air; Updates
      Available by Fax Polling

    • Laser Exchange (95-xx-xx)
      444B Broadway Suite #275
      Saugus, MA 01906
      (617) 231-8010
      Prices: At least 15% off Retail, 20% off New Releases
      Shipping: UPS Ground, $3.50 per order
      Catalog: Free

    • Laser Blazer (Los Angeles, CA) (95-xx-xx)
      2518 Overland Ave.
      Los Angeles, CA 90064
      (800) 488-DISC (Inside California, (310) 558-8386)
      Prices: 15% Off List
      Shipping: UPS Ground, $3 for first disc (not title), $1 for each of the next two discs, 50 cents for each of the next 7, and 25 cents for each additional disc after that
      Catalog: Free

    • Columbia House Laserdisc Club (95-xx-xx)
      1400 North Fruitridge Avenue
      Terre Haute, Indiana 47811
      (800) 538-2233 (to join)
      (800) 538-2233 (for customer service, members' orders)
      Catalog: Mailed regularly to members

    • Dave's Video, The Laserdisc Place (95-xx-xx)
      12144 Ventura Boulevard
      Studio City, CA 91604
      (818) 760-3472
      Prices: 10% Off List
      Shipping: UPS Ground; Free
      Catalog: Free

    • Flicks On Disc (95-xx-xx)
      8740 SW Birchwood Rd.
      Portland, OR 97725
      (800) 848-3472
      Prices: Discounts range from 10% to 23% depending on amount ordered, titles ordered, and payment method
      Shipping: UPS Ground; Exact Shipping Charged
      Catalog: None, but bi-monthly newsletter
      Etc: Web site now up

    • Ken Crane's Laser Disc (96-01-22)
      15251 Beach Blvd.
      Westminster, CA 92863
      (800) 624-3078 (In California (800) 626-1768)
      Prices: 10% off List; Some Pre-Order Specials
      Shipping: UPS 2 Day Air; $1.50 Handling Charge
      Catalog: Free
      Etc: Running 20% off everything sale thru May

    • 01 Laser & Video (95-xx-xx)
      8780 Warner Avenue #9
      Fountain Valley, CA 92708
      (800) 342 -9715, (714) 848-4034
      Prices: 10% off List, slightly more on pre-orders and large orders
      Shipping: UPS Ground; Free for 2 or more titles
      Catalog: Free
      Etc: International Orders Welcome, Running 20% off Everything Sale

    • Tewksbury Audio & Video (95-xx-xx)
      202 Main Street/ Box 218
      Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889
      (908) 534-0354
      Prices: 10% off List, 15% off Pre-orders, 20% off Criterion Voyager titles
      Shipping: UPS Ground; $4 for first title shipped, $1 more for second title shipped, 75 cents for each additional title in shipment
      Catalog: Free, though it hasn't been updated in a long while
      Etc: Recently Moved

    • Laserdisc Fan Club (95-xx-xx)
      1058 E. 230th Street
      Carson, CA 90745
      (800) 801-3472
      Prices: Current Catalog Titles 15-20% Off, Other Titles 10% Off
      Catalog: Monthly, Free
      Shipping: Overnight Delivery, $2.75 Per Order

    • Laser's Edge (95-xx-xx)
      2009-4 East Greyhound Pass
      Carmel, IN 46033
      (317) 848-2088
      Prices: 10% off Retail
      Shipping: UPS Ground; $1.25 Charge Per Order
      Etc: International Orders Welcome; Store on Compuserve

    • The Laserdisc Division (96-01-22)
      12115 Magnolia Blvd. #139
      N. Hollywood, CA 91607
      (818) 766-2334
      Prices: 20% Off All Titles
      Shipping: UPS Ground; $1.50 Charge Per Order
      Etc: American Express, Optima, Visa, Discover, Mastercard
      Recommended by Leopold for foreigners.

    • Laserdisc Enterprises (95-xx-xx)
      2516 Cobb Parkway
      Loehmann's Plaza
      Smyrna, GA 30080
      (800) 347-1941
      Prices: 10% Off All Titles
      Shipping: UPS Ground; $1.50

    • Dallas Digital Discs (95-xx-xx)
      10723 Preston Rd., Suite 157
      Dallas, TX 75230-3806
      (214) 987-4744
      Prices: 15-20% off list
      Shipping: Unclear
      Etc: Running 20% off Everything Sale

    • Sky Entertainment (95-xx-xx)
      1223 S. Los Angeles St.
      Los Angeles CA 90015
      (800) 399-2759
      Prices: 22% Off All Laserdiscs
      Shipping: Free UPS Ground (Unknown if there's a handling charge)
      Catalog: Free

    • Lansing Video (See Listing Under Rent-by-Mail)

    • Wholesale Laser & CD-Rom (95-xx-xx)
      24832 Forest Knoll
      Lake Forest, CA 92636
      (800) 766-5273
      Prices: 15% or 20% off all discs depending on label
      Shipping: On Orders Under $150, $3.25 for UPS Ground; Free for Orders over $150
      Catalog: Free

    • The Laser Outlet (96-01-22)
      366 N. Allen Avenue Suite 250
      Pasadena, CA 91106
      (818) 797-4484
      Prices: 15-20% off Discs, 25-30% off pre-orders
      Shipping: $2.99 for UPS Shipping of 1 or 2 titles; Free for 3 or more titles
      Catalog: Free catalog shipped to customers who request it.
      Etc: VISA, Mastercard, American Express

    • Laser Disc Exchange (96-05-01)
      1404 Old County Road
      Belmont, CA 94002, USA
      1-800-943-3472, or USA 415-591-4268
      Prices: 10%/15% off List; Specials 20-40% off List.
      Shipping: UPS: $3 + $0.50/disc, orders over $100 free
      Catalog: Free
      Etc: International Orders, New & Used. Web site updated daily. All major credit cards, personal checks. C.O.D for $4.75.

    • Video Online Express (96-05-08)
      5339 Prospect Road #336
      San Jose, CA 95129
      Voice: 408-364-2250, FAX: 408-364-2251, Modem: 408-364-2252 (8n1) (also telnet
      Prices: percentage markup over cost per item, average of 12% off list.
      Shipping: US: $3.90, orders over $100 free, 2nd day air (UPS or FedEx) more.
      Catalog: NTSC only, changes weekly, averages: 9300 LD, 53000 VHS, 3800 Audio Books.
      Etc: Sales to individuals overseas welcome; VISA, MasterCard, Personal Check (US only), Money Order, Pay-By-FAX Orders; Secure Netscape server.

  • Used discs

    • CEBA Video (95-xx-xx)
      P.O Box 44411
      Fort Washington, MD 20744
      (301) 292-6670
      Prices: See catalog
      Shipping: UPS Ground; $3.50 for first disc, .50 for each additional disc
      Catalog: Free

    • Video Brokers (95-xx-xx)
      1836 Irving St. NW
      Washington DC 20010-2644
      (202) 232-5660
      Prices: See Catalog
      Shipping: UPS Ground; $3.00 for 1 Title, 50 cents for each additional title, but free for 4 or more titles.
      Catalog: Free
      Etc: BBS at (202) 234-8432

    • Video Disc International (95-xx-xx)
      5339 Prospect Road #221
      San Jose, CA 95129
      (408) 257-3472
      Prices: See Catalog
      Shipping: $3 first title, 50 cents each additional title
      Catalog: Free

    • Laser Exchange (See Under New Discs - New and Used Mixed in their Catalog)

    • Sight & Sound (See Under New Discs - Lists available on their computer BBS)


  • Rent-by-Mail

    • Lansing Video (95-xx-xx)
      6321 West Saginaw
      Lansing, Michigan 48917
      (517) 323-4897
      Catalog: Free

17.2 Are there any good laserdisc magazines I can subscribe to?

From Bill Cruce (

The following list of laserdisc/video magazines contains information I believe to be accurate as of July 1993, but I guarantee nothing :-) VIDEO and VIDEO REVIEW have been omitted because everyone knows how to find them. These are magazines I am personally familiar with. There are others as well ...

Catalog of (almost) all Laser Discs in print (but no reviews):

  • Laser Video File
    [semi-annually, $3.50 each at store]
    [$9.95/yr, $17.95/2 yr including postage, U.S.]
    PO Box 828
    Westwood, NJ 07675

Magazines devoted (largely) to Laser Disc software reviews:

  • LaserScene Monthly (formerly Laser Views)
    [monthly, $25/yr, U.S.]
    c/o Scott Hughes
    37 Dorland Street
    San Francisco CA 94110
    no phone no. given

  • Laser Disc Newletter
    [monthly, $35/yr, U.S.]
    PO BOX 420
    East Rockaway, NY 11518-0420
    800-551-4914 for free sample issue
    516-594-9307 FAX

  • Widescreen Review (considerable emphasis on transfer technology and technology of film production).
    [bi-monthly, $18/yr, U.S.]
    26864 Mandelieu Drive
    Murrieta, CA 92562
    909-677-0335 Voice
    909-677-2604 FAX

Magazine with more emphasis on Video Hardware (But some Laser Disc software reviews and considerable discussion of the source movies and technology of framing, transfer, etc.):

  • The Perfect Vision
    [quarterly, $23/yr, U.S., $30 Canada, $38 outside North America]
    Box 6384
    Syracuse, NY 13217
    (credit cards by phone, VISA, MC, AMEX)
    516-676-2830 (overseas)

17.3 Is there a guide to Bob Niland's articles?

Excerpted from Bob Niland's ( LD#00: Index of Articles on Laser Video Disc (LD) 04 Jul 94

You may request any of these at any time. Recent copies are also available for anonymous ftp on:

  • (, directory Laserdisc
    [The CSN site is personally maintained by me, and is the only one guaranteed to be up to date.]
  • (
  • (, Finland, dir: /pub/culture/tv+film/laserdisc)

Niland's articles are also available through the WWW, at address

Note: If you fail to include one or two known-valid email addresses in your email request, I cannot guarantee you will receive anything. Do not rely on the return path of your request being usable.

Timelines: This index and the listed articles are available on other networks and BBS's on which I have no access. If the date at the top of this index is over 90 days old, you almost certainly have an out-of-date copy of the index. Please ask for an updated index when requesting an article.

All articles are flatfile ASCII (no non-standard HP ROMAN8 or standard ISO Latin-1 eurochars) and fit in 80 columns. Caution: some are over 64KB long and the complete set is around 800 KB.

Feel free to request articles by number.

No. Topic                                                          Revision
--  ---------------------------------------------------            ---------
1.  Introduction to Laser Video Disc.  Contains info on            04 Jul 94
    LD that you won't easily find anywhere else.
2.  Introduction to imported LDs.                                  10 Jul 93
3.  Introduction to surround sound.                                16 Apr 93
4.  LD media quality report.                                       30 Mar 91
5.  How to return a defective LD to Pioneer.                       18 Feb 92
6.  Introduction to Criterion Collection.                          22 Nov 91
7.  Current Voyager Press (Criterion Collection)                   Monthly
    catalog summary.
8.  LD loaning agreement.                                          30 Dec 90
9.  Identifying LD mint marks.                                     26 Apr 93
10. LD "Best Practices" suggestions for producers.                 13 Jul 92
12. CAV still-frame: ramblings on 3-2 pull-down and white flags.   01 Apr 93
13. LD care and repair.                                            13 Jul 92
14. LD retail sources: national mail order and Colorado            22 Jul 93
15. A summary of articles on IDTV.                                 16 Mar 92
16. Looking back: CED                                              05 Mar 92
17. What is a "defect"?                                            06 Aug 92
18. Tips for LD retailers                                          01 Mar 92
19. Glossary of LD/Video/Cinema terms (in progress)                
20. Bibliography of LD/Video/Cinema titles                         22 Aug 93

Short subjects - These articles will disappear when they are incorporated
into planned larger articles.

91. LD Player purchase suggestions.                                22 Jul 93
92. Y/C ("S-video") connection on LD.                              28 Oct 92
93. LD-101 "A Video Standard" disc summary.                        16 Jan 92
94. How to buy a CD player (applies to LD audio).                  16 Jan 92
95. Laser Disc Newsletter overview.                                13 Jul 92
96. How is LD "analog"?                                            21 Jan 92
97. CAV vs CLV                                                     24 Jan 94

These articles are updated frequently and feedback is solicited. They also probably contain errors, as the author is not a video professional. These articles contain information that I want to know, and when I find it, I write it down. They exist because no one in the industry or in the trade press has done the same.

Bob Niland

17.4 What good WWW-pages are there for people interested in LDs?

I maintain a jumpgate for different LD pages at From there you can find links to many other LD WWW-pages.

17.5 What are some other Internet resources for LD info?

(Please help me build this list.)

  • David Uy's Disney LD supplement is posted on a regular basis to rec.arts.disney or can be received by reading the WWW page, or by sending an e-mail message to

  • Ed Weiland's Star Wars: The Definitive Collection Flaw List can be obtained by e-mailing Ed at

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Created: 04/16/97

Last Updated: 04/17/97